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1.Solar Thermal Power Generation


Solar thermal power generation is a new energy use, its principle is through the reflector will sunlight convergence to solar energy collection device, the use of solar energy to heat the collection device within the heat transfer medium (liquid or gas), and then heat the water to form a steam driven or directly driven generator power generation. This power generation method is mainly divided into heat collection, the use of solar energy to heat the heat transfer medium and the heat transfer medium to drive the engine to generate electricity in three links. The main forms of solar thermal power generation are trough, tower, disc (disc) three systems. Take the trough system as an example, it uses multiple trough-type parabolic concentrating collectors arranged in series and parallel to heat the work medium, generate high-temperature steam, and drive the turbine generator set to generate electricity. Such a system has the advantage of smooth power output and can be used for base power and peak shifting, while its proven and reliable energy storage (thermal storage) configuration also allows for continuous power generation at night.

Currently, researchers are working to improve the efficiency and economics of solar thermal power generation by improving the design and materials of the collector, increasing the efficiency of photothermal conversion, and achieving high-temperature and high-efficiency energy conversion. In addition, with the continuous breakthroughs in energy storage technology and cost reductions, solar photovoltaic power generation technology will achieve a longer period of sustainable power supply, promoting the expansion of its application in various fields. In the construction field, solar thermal technology also has great potential for application, not only can it be integrated with the appearance of the building to enhance the aesthetics and sustainability of the building, but also can provide part or all of the electricity demand for the building. Overall, solar thermal power generation is a new energy utilisation method with broad prospects, and will play an increasingly important role in the future energy supply as technology continues to advance and costs are reduced.

2.Deep Peaking Molten Salt Energy Storage for Thermal Power Plants


The peak frequency regulation of thermal power units is a very critical part of the power system, the main purpose of which is to meet the fluctuations and changes in power loads and ensure the stable operation of the power system. The following is a detailed explanation of thermal power unit FM:
I. Peaking
Peak shifting refers to the service provided by the generating unit to track the peak and valley changes of the load in order to adjust the generating unit output in a planned manner and according to a certain regulation speed. Thermal power units, especially coal-fired units and gas-fired units, by adjusting the combustion rate and steam flow to change the output power to meet the power demand at different times.

Second, frequency regulation,frequency regulation can be divided into primary and secondary frequency regulation.1. Primary frequency regulation: When the power system frequency deviates from the target frequency, the generator set adjusts the active power to reduce the frequency deviation through the automatic response of the speed regulation system. This is mainly through the generator's own speed control system to automatically realise, by the unit's own characteristics.

2. Secondary frequency regulation: usually realised through automatic generation control (AGC), AGC means that the generator set tracks the power dispatch instruction within the specified output adjustment range and adjusts the power generation output in real time according to a certain adjustment speed to meet the frequency of the power system and the power control requirements of the contact line. Its role is to solve the problem of rapid load fluctuation and smaller degree of power generation change, so that the system frequency is stabilised at the level of normal value or close to normal value.In summary, the peak frequency adjustment of thermal power units is a key means to ensure the stable operation of the power system, and through flexible adjustment strategies and technical means, it can achieve accurate tracking and rapid response to the power load.

3.Carbon PEAKING Molten Salt New Type of Energy Storage for Heat Supply


The new type of energy storage and heat supply of molten salt plays an important role in the process of carbon peaking. As a medium and high temperature heat transfer heat storage medium, molten salt has the advantages of lower saturated vapour pressure, superior high temperature stability, small low viscosity, large specific heat capacity, etc. Therefore, the molten salt heat storage system has the advantages of wide scope of application, green environmental protection, safety and stability, etc., and is the first choice of large-scale and long-time medium and high temperature heat storage technology. In the context of carbon peak, the new molten salt energy storage and heating technology is widely used in solar thermal power generation, thermal power unit peak frequency adjustment, heating and waste heat recycling and other fields. Through the use of new energy growth and fossil energy reduction of the increase and decrease of the linkage mechanism, combined with the new energy with the demand for energy storage, molten salt new energy storage can replace the coal-

fired gas boiler green electricity, for industrial enterprises, demonstration parks to provide green low-carbon clean heat, to help achieve the peak of carbon and the new era of high-quality green development.

In addition, through the innovative and comprehensive application of various clean heating and peak power generation technologies such as "photovoltaic + molten salt" energy storage, "wind power + molten salt" energy storage, etc., the new molten salt energy storage heating technology can achieve a high proportion of renewable energy application in the park, and accelerate the realisation of the Peak Carbon Action Programme and the new zero-carbon demonstration pilot. programme and new zero-carbon demonstration pilot. To sum up, the new molten salt energy storage and heating technology plays an indispensable role in the process of carbon peak, and provides strong support for building a new energy system and promoting green and low-carbon development.

4.Molten Salt Power Generation


Molten salt power generation is a technology that uses the high-temperature properties of molten salt to convert thermal energy and generate electricity. In a molten salt power generation system, molten salt is first heated to a high temperature and then heat is transferred to water vapour through a heat exchange process. The water vapour expands as it is heated and drives a turbine, which in turn drives a generator to produce electricity. After the energy conversion, the water vapour is cooled by a condenser and recycled. Molten salt power generation has several advantages. Firstly, molten salt, as a medium for heat transfer and storage, is characterised by good stability at high temperatures and large heat capacity, which makes the molten salt power generation system capable of realising highly efficient and stable heat energy conversion. Secondly, molten salt power generation technology can be applied in the fields of photothermal power generation and thermal power plant renovation, which provides an effective means for the consumption of renewable energy and the use 

of clean energy. In addition, molten salt energy storage can also be applied to scenarios where the end energy demand is thermal energy, such as clean heat supply.